Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Ode to Poop

You know it's going to be an interesting day when the bus smells like poo.

Really, it's not a great way to start the morning. I got onto the bus and something smelled a bit worse than usual. And there was the offending object in the corner. From what I could tell, it seemed that somebody had taken a dump in their hat. And it was enough poo that the hat actually overflowed. Either the person had some serious intestinal problems or it was a group effort.

There was already somebody sitting there and she gave me a knowing look. Nothing freaky. It was more 'I smell it too' than 'proud parent' look. She was quite the gutsy lady. Not only did she not retreat to the front of the bus, she didn't sit too far away from the poo. Only about 5 rows. If she could stand it, I could too. So I proceeded all the way to the back and opened up all the windows along the way.

A couple more people came on board the bus and a few of them just turned around and went back out. One lady didn't notice it at first but then got up from her seat to investigate the source of the smell. She got pretty close to the poo and if I was closer, I would have been tempted to give her a playful shove. One of those good natured rub her face in poo bad dog bad dog type of shoves.

Now, since this was probably the first bus of the morning, the poo must have been sitting since the following night, when the line stopped at 8pm. So for over 12 hours, this pile of turd has been sitting in that hat. It's really quite impressive that in this day and age, somebody can crap on a bus and it can sit there for such a long period of time. I would even dare to suggest that it's a new world record and the poo and bus should be put into a museum.

Even after they clean it out, it'll never really be clean. In my mind, all those buses are tainted by poo.


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